
We’re looking for new members to join the BID Board

The following was agreed at the BID Board meeting held on 5th November 2024

It is important for the governance, financial management and effectiveness of the operational output of the BID that the Our Bury St Edmunds BID Board is an appropriate reflection of the BID members as well as comprising individuals with appropriate skills, abilities, experience etc.

It is also acknowledged that membership should include representation from some key partner organisations, who assist the BID, in making Bury St Edmunds town centre even better for our businesses.

The following statements are made, with the intention of achieving these objectives.

They should be interpreted as guidance to ensure that the Board is a realistic reflection of the current BID membership and is also an effective governance body.

Nothing within this guidance is intended to prevent the Board, from making decisions appropriate to the circumstances they face at any given time.

  • Nominally ,the configuration of the Board should comprise of up to ten individuals from BID members.
  • These ten individuals, should, wherever possible, represent proportionately the make up of the BID membership.
  • At this time this would mean four from retail, Two or three each from hospitality and professional services and one from “others” i.e. entertainment and wellbeing.

These numbers should be used as a guide rather than requiring rigid adherence, considering at all times, the effectiveness, knowledge and experience of BID Board members.

  • A proportional representation from Nationals and Independents would be ideal, if possible but the overall capability of the Board achieving its objectives should be the primary objective in regards of the composition of the Board.

Similarly, the same is true in regards of gender representation and a balance of youth and experience on the board would be preferable.

  • Any representatives from external bodies and the CEO (who is a Director as a result of a motion that was passed at the 2011 AGM) should be in addition to these numbers.
  • At this time the external bodies invited to have representation on the board are Bury St Edmunds Town Council, Suffolk Chamber of Commerce and West Suffolk Council (WSC).
  • Board Meetings will be held on the morning of the final Tuesday of every month, following the end of the previous financial Quarter i.e. in January, April, July, and October.

The dates of these meetings can be changed, with the agreement of the Chair, in circumstances such as the unavailability of the CEO or other Board members.

There is an expectation that all Board members should attend at least two meetings in any given twelve months. Should this not be achieved then the board member concerned should be approached, by the CEO, regarding their commitment to the role, which could lead to them being asked to stand down from the Board.

  • A quorum of 1/3 of Board members present is set as a minimum representation at any meeting, for subsequent decision(s) made, to be accepted as valid.

Should any proposal be required to be voted upon then a simple majority is required to pass the proposal. Should a vote be tied then the Chair has a casting vote.

Board members should ideally cast their vote in person at the meeting but if this is not possible then a written indication of their support or opposition for the proposal, in advance of the meeting, will be deemed as acceptable, should circumstances allow.

  • An Executive Group (EG), comprising of the Chair, Vice Chair, CEO and including a representative of the retail, hospitality and professional services sectors and WSC (largest single levy payer) is created for the CEO to confer with, where appropriate, between Board meetings. The EG will have no independent decision making powers but will be utilised to make subsequent recommendations to the full Board.
  • EG members will be registered as BID Directors at Companies House. Other Board members would not automatically be registered as Directors.
  • The Board acknowledge the need to ensure it is vibrant and actively seeking to achieve the core objectives of the organisation and that to do so will require changes to the composition of the Board, during a five year term.

This will be achieved by creating a tenure position on BID members and by creating a selection policy.

In regards of tenure, it is felt that each case should be judged on its own merits but in principle three years has been identified as an appropriate time for a Board member but this can be extended in agreement with the individual and the Chair.

The tenure of the Chair is set at two years but can be extended for a further year with the agreement of the Chair and the Board.

In regards of recruitment, each January, BID members, will be made aware of the opportunity for them to become Board members and there will be a permanent item on the BID members section of the website outlining how becoming a Board member can be achieved.

None of the above will prevent Board membership altering at anytime during the year.

The Board have delegated the initial identification process to the CEO, who will approach anyone who it is felt might be interested in joining the Board or who it is felt would be an attribute to the Board. The CEO will outline the role, level of involvement, investment of time etc and if the individual wishes to join the board then the CEO will present this at the next Board meeting, where the full Board will decide whether the individual is to be invited to join the Board.

  • The expulsion of a member from the Board is possible, should a proposal to this effect be placed before the Board and the majority of members, who vote, do so to support the proposal.

This is foreseen as an extremely rare occurrence and will only occur if the behaviour of an individual(s) is felt to be wholly inappropriate and incompatible with them continuing as a BID board member.

Posted 1 month ago