BID Member Weekly news w/c 15th May
- Spring Fayre 28th & 29th May
The Spring Fayre is just around the corner!
We have created some graphics to be used over social media to further promote the event! We recently shared these as a news article on the BID Members News on our website but in case you missed this and would like to help promote this popular event you can download and use the images via this page: . Also, we still have some A4 & A3 posters of the event so if you would like to display one in your window, just email and we will deliver to you.
- Burys Open Gardens in aid of St Nicholas Hospice
This year’s Hidden Gardens will be held on Sunday 2nd July from 11 am to 5pm in aid of St Nicholas Hospice Care. As you are probably aware this extremely popular events regularly draws in over 2,000 visitors and creates a lovely atmosphere throughout the town.
Businesses may want to adjust their staffing levels accordingly and may also like to consider fundraising for their local hospice. If you do then please contact Heather Warren, their Community Fundraiser at who can provide you with more information including collection tins.
- Make Music Day & Suffolk Day – 21st June
As I have mentioned previously we will be celebrating both International Make Music Day and Suffolk Day on Wednesday 21st June. We will providing opportunities for musicians, bands, singers & choirs to perform within either the Provisions Market and/or Charter Square between 10.30 & 4.30pm.
We have had a great response so far but there are still more performance spots available for anyone who is interested and all they need to do is contact me for more information. So if you know of anyone who might be interested please make them aware.
- Bury Free Press Business Awards
Nominations for the above are open from today for the awards that will be held on the 13th October. The BID are once again delighted to be sponsoring the Customer Service award.
I would though encourage you all to click on this link Bury Business Awards 2023 – Enter Now! – Bury Free Press ( to see which categories you think might be appropriate for your business and/or an employee(s) and you can either nominate yourself or one of your customers can.
If shortlisted for an award there are considerable promotional benefits available to you, as the event is organised by our local weekly paper, who also have a considerable digital presence.
Best of luck!
- Our new website
Our plans are progressing well for our new website to go live before the end of the month. Next week I will be in touch about how you can access and amend your business listing and also add details of any jobs, events or offers you wish the public to be aware of.
I will circulate a single subject email explaining all you have to do and how you can discover how you can update the issues I mention above.
Believe me it is pretty straightforward as even I could do this!
Have a great weekend